External Resources

Respect at work - Employers’ Positive Duty to Prevent Workplace Sexual Harassment
Australian Human Rights Commission: Good Practice Indicators Framework for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment
Champions of Change Coalition: Disrupting the System – Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Consult Australia Champions of Change: Everyday Respect: It starts with Understanding
Michael G. Flood, QUT: Men’s positive role in ending sexual harassment
National Library of Medicine: Face the consequences: learning about victim’s suffering reduces men’s likelihood to sexually harass

Gender Pay Gap Reporting
WGEA: Guide to understanding Gender Pay Gap legislation changes
WGEA: Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide

Equal Parental Leave
AFR: Australia’s best workplaces for Dads offer equal leave
Gratten Institute: Dad Days: How Equal Parental Leave could Improve the Lives of Australian Families
WGA: Towards gender balanced parental leave

Interrupting Bias
Champions of Change Coalition 40.40.20: Interrupting Bias in Talent Processes

Flexible/Hybrid Work
McKinsey: Hybrid Work: Making it fit with your diversity, equity and inclusion strategy
WGEA: Flexible Work Toolkit

EY: Sponsorship Toolkit
HBR: Lack of Sponsorship is Keeping Women from Advancing into Leadership
HBR: Effective Male Sponsors: What do they do differently
McKinsey/LeanIn.org: Women in the Workplace: Debunking the Myths
McKinsey/WGEA/BCA: Women in Leadership: Lessons from Australian Companies Leading the Way

Targets, Timeframes and Reporting
EY: How to Set Gender Diversity Targets

James Phillis

“It’s up to me to deeply reflect on the source of sexist behaviour in our culture – in our organisations and across the broader society - to reflect  on the unconscious beliefs I may still hold given the  influences I’ve been exposed to - from a male breadwinner father/stay-at-home mother household, to the often-suboptimal messages around the role of girls and women I absorbed at school, in sport, amongst my mates and in the media. And that I still witness today. Every day.”


James Phillis (past Chair, Consult Australia Champions of Change, COO SMEC)

Leadership Forum
Breaking Barriers & Building Inclusion

Can including women in the Monday morning sports debrief really change the culture of Australia’s construction industry? Construction superstar Alison Mirams thinks so.

It’s an unusual piece of advice, but characteristically canny from the woman who built a boutique construction company with a $1.5 billion pipeline in just five years.

Speaking at Consult Australia’s recent Breaking Barriers & Building Inclusion Forum, Alison suggested the routine chat about the weekend’s sporting results could be a catalyst for change.

“My best friend at uni taught me the rules of every sport and I did not realise at the time what a gift he was giving me,” Alison, who stepped down as Executive Chair of Roberts Co earlier this year, told a rapt audience. Alison was joined by a powerhouse panel of leaders who came together to champion diversity, inclusion and cultural change as part of Consult Australia’s Breaking Barriers & Building Inclusion program in mid-May.
If you missed this event, read the article in Consulting Matters, and don’t miss the recording here: