Enabling digital

Enabling digital by default

Building on our Digital by Default: Green Paper and informed by digital roundtables around Australia, the Enabling Digital by Default paper demonstrates the practical steps needed to realise the ambition of enabling digital at all project stages.   


Confidence and Continuity report picture

Confidence & continuity

The results from Consult Australia’s 2024 membership survey provide insights into current capacity, continuity of work concerns, pipeline uncertainty impacts on staff, and professional indemnity insurance. Respondent members employ over 23,510 people across Australia, but the results apply to our entire membership and sectorThe findings of the survey outlined in this report provide a data snapshot for members, government and interested stakeholders. 


Opening new doors to global skills@704x468_04

Attracting and retaining engineers from migrant backgrounds - guide for employers

To help employers find the skills they need, Consult Australia has partnered with Engineers Australia and the Queensland Government to develop a new guide for employers: ‘Attracting and Retaining Engineers from Migrant Backgrounds’.


Capacity crunch - skills survey

The results from Consult Australia’s latest skills survey provide insights into capacity constraints, industry confidence, staff movements, global recruitment, occupational profiles in highest demand and future skills challenges. Respondent members employ over 21,000 people across Australia, but the results apply to our entire membership and sectorThe findings of the survey outlined in this report provide a data snapshot for members, government and interested stakeholders. 


 partnership for change - thought leadership paperpartnership for change - thought leadership paper

Partnership for change papers

Consult Australia and the Australian Constructors Association have partnered to release a series of thought leadership papers to help the industry reduce inefficiencies and increase productivity. The ‘Partnership for Change’ papers provide recommendations to aid the adoption of technology, improve reliance on tender information, streamline design reviews, and for government delivery agencies to lead the way as Model Clients. Members are encouraged to share these with their clients and partners.

Download the Partnership for Change papers here:


Thinking smarter about skills

Thinking smarter about skills is one of Consult Australia’s key priorities. Our thought leadership paper of the same name highlights the systemic skills shortages in our industry, sets out the challenges currently impacting skills in education, recruitment, and retention, as well as discusses our proposed solutions.



Uplifting Productivity

Our Uplifting Productivity  report demonstrates how to deliver economic growth through best practice procurement. Reform does not need to be an invention test - the report's recommendations rely on past projects where collaboration and communication were prioritised .


deal handshake collaboration

A net zero future delivered through our infrastructure pipeline

Developed in partnership with AutodeskAustralian Constructors Association (ACA), and the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) our joint thought leadership report explores getting to a net zero future through the design and construction of the infrastructure pipeline. The report sets out that a net-zero future delivered through our infrastructure pipeline requires a whole-of-business, systems-based approach across asset lifecycles to accelerate the journey to net zero. This includes pulling key levers such as procurement, materials, methodologies, technology and people capability. 



Model Client Policy

Model Client Policy

A campaign for governments to adopt a model client policy, to promote greater standardisation of contracts, and to improve tendering arrangements.



Australia's STEM Education Challenges 

In this discussion paper, Consult Australia outlines why a strong supply of STEM skills is needed to maintain our position in the world as an advanced, innovative, and services-based economy - all of which are underpinned by the performance of STEM education in Australia. 

The paper aims to start a conversation on how governments, industry and the education sector can work together to build a robust STEM talent pipeline. Consult Australia is eager to collaborate with stakeholders on improving STEM education outcomes, and to better understand how STEM education can align to skills demands of the future workforce. 



Considering social impacts in infrastructure business cases

A campaign to highlight the importance of considering the social value of new infrastructure proposals. A copy of our recent report on the topic is below. 



Innovation in Infrastructure

Consult Australia's work shows that stakeholders agree that better procurement practice will unlock innovation. By focussing on best practice, we can achieve better outcomes. This is explored further in our Innovation in Infrastructure report.



A smarter approach to pipeline planning

A campaign to promote best practice infrastructure governance and investment decision-making processes.

Recent reports we have released on the topic are below.

Valuing better engagement

An economic framework to quantify the value of stakeholder engagement for infrastructure delivery.