Emma Thunder
Emma joined Consult Australia in June 2022, and brings with her a breadth of experience working in policy, advocacy and executive management across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Emma is an urban planner by background and started her
career as a planning consultant in a medium sized Perth-based firm, then moved to the State Government where she held advisory roles in the offices of two former State Planning Ministers, led planning reform and red-tape reduction initiatives, and
was independent planning adviser and manager of the office of the Director-General of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
More recently Emma has experience working in and managing other member-based professional peak bodies. She held the position of Deputy Executive Director of the Property Council in WA, with particular responsibility for policy, advocacy and communications;
and then led the WA chapter of the Planning Institute of Australia as its State Manager, where her responsibilities were equivalent to those of her new role at Consult Australia.
For more information about any of our policy activities in WA, contact Emma at emma@consultaustralia.com.au or on 0423 828 830.
For more information about any of our WA events, click 'VIEW WA EVENTS' below or contact our events and marketing team at: info@consultaustralia.com.au or on 02 8252 6700.