FIDIC - International Federation of Consulting Engineers

Catherine Karakatsanis

“As the global representative body for the consultancy and engineering sector, our member associations and their member firms are at the forefront of driving change and delivering projects that improve the lives of millions people on a global scale.”


Catherine Karakatsanis, FIDIC President 

The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) was founded in 1913 as the then Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils. FIDIC is the global representative body for national associations of consulting engineers and represents over one million engineering professionals and 40,000 firms in more than 100 countries worldwide.


Collectively FIDIC members lead an industry delivering solutions to the world's most complex challenges. Consult Australia is proud to have been a member of FIDIC since 1959. We know FIDIC continues to provide a critical catalyst for global collaboration that helps ensure the strongest voice for our member businesses internationally


Read more about FIDIC’s global reach, how they make a difference and the benefits for our industry globally in: FIDIC Membership: Making a difference for members and the industry

We thank our members and volunteers for their continuing support through FIDIC committees and forums supporting a strong voice internationally for Australia and for our industry globally:

FIDIC Committee Representation

July 2024

Members representing Consult Australia on FIDIC Boards / Committees / Councils

NameOrganisationFIDIC Committee
Jonathan CartledgeConsult AustraliaDirectors and Secretaries Advisory Council, FIDIC AP Representative
Tony BarryAureconFIDIC Immediate Past-President (2021-2023)
Bill CoxAureconChair, Global Leadership Forum Advisory Board
Kiri ParrKiri ParrContracts Committee
Tony MoodieMoodie & AssociatesFIDIC AP Board Director
Libby PaholskiSMEC InternationalInternational Financial Institutions Committee
Dirk SmithWSPDiversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Committee
Natalie Muir (Vice Chair)Stantec AustraliaVice Chair, Sustainable Development Committee
Lyndon White (Vice Chair)Dial Before You DisputeIntegrity Management Committee
Dave MackenzieAureconDigital Transformation Committee

FIDIC standard contracts

FIDIC, in the furtherance of its goals, publishes international standard forms of contracts for works and for clients, consultants, sub-consultants, joint ventures and representatives, together with related materials such as standard pre-qualification forms.


Visit Consult Australia’s Centre for Contracting and Risk to learn more.

Global Leadership Forum

FIDIC announced the formation of the Global Leadership Forum in September 2021 to bring senior influencers and decision makers together from the construction and infrastructure sectors to help address the critical issues we face as a society and an industry and to develop workable solutions to solve them.  


The forum provides a powerful global network for leaders to discuss these issues.  Through their discussions, deliberations and actions, the GLF aims to build acoalition of support and buy-in for what needs to be done to address key global challenges.


Read more here.

Global Infrastructure Conference

FIDIC’s annual Global Infrastructure Conference brings together representatives of the global engineering, construction and infrastructure sector to discuss the key issues facing the industry.


Read more here.

Consult Australia is proud to support our international engagement with our Global Strategy Partner: