Our education and courses are focused on building capability in those areas most critical to our members’ success.

Our industry-leading Contracts for Consultants course (now with an alumni of over 2000 participants), Role of the Superintendent book out in advance, and are available for delivery in-house:

This intensive 2.5-day programme is aimed at those who are regularly confronted with client contracts. The programme provides essential advice and insight on managing and controlling contractual rights and obligations. It is conducted in a small group interactive format and has helped those with both limited and extensive experience to deal more effectively with contracts and their various terms and conditions. Tools and advice are given on how to develop fair and reasonable contractual relationships with clients.

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The Superintendent’s role is a complex one. It requires a sound understanding of the law of contract, substantial engineering skills, and in particular, an understanding of the provisions of the particular project outcomes. This intensive and interactive programme teaches you how to confidently manage the various Superintendent duties, the dual roles of the Superintendent, and how to avoid common legal traps.

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Check out our new one-hour online programs, each earning valuable CPD points. Discounted for Consult Australia members, courses cover a wide range of topics. Courses ranging from employment law, risk management strategies and the ins and outs of insurance. We will continue to add to the suite of short courses over the coming months.

Consult Australia’s landmark Breaking Barriers and Building Inclusion Program has been designed for small and medium-sized businesses working across infrastructure and construction to consider how to realise the benefits of diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) for their business.

We know that many medium and larger companies are now reporting on workplace gender equality, the gender pay gap and now have positive duty obligations in relation to sexual harassment. These and smaller and medium-sized businesses may not have a diversity and inclusion program or strategy and are exploring their options. They may be testing ideas or have ambition but don't know what they should do next. This Program is for them.

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Examples of topics covered in the program include:

  • Government and Stakeholder Relations
  • Innovation
  • Strategic Networking
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Finance
  • Effective Leadership
  • and much more

Moreover, winning project teams are selected by presentations to expert industry judges, and also by public votes and presentations.

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Consult Australia can run our Contracts for Consultants and  Role of the Superintendent programmes for your team in-house with the option to tailor the content to specifically meet your firm’s requirements. 

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More information

For more information about education opportunities, please contact Consult Australia on 02 8252 6700 or email education@consultaustralia.com.au.