State Boardroom Luncheon Series

State Boardroom Luncheon Series

Held under Chatham House Rule these exclusive Boardroom Luncheons provide Consult Australia members with the chance to be informed on the future work and creation of vibrant places across Australia. These events are for senior professionals and strategic thinkers wanting to participate in the conversations that are shaping our industry. 

  • As a sponsor of the State Boardroom Luncheon Series you will receive branding for up to 6 weeks leading into all events in the series, the opportunity to meet and greet the speaker, say a few words, and be the centre focal point.
  • You will also receive exclusive access to the attendee list, allowing you to network with key decision makers in the industry.
  • Your company logo and branding will also be prominently displayed throughout the event, providing valuable exposure to potential clients and partners.
  • In addition, you will have the opportunity to provide promotional materials or giveaways for attendees, further increasing your brand recognition and visibility.

Overall, sponsoring the State Boardroom Luncheon Series is a unique opportunity to showcase your company’s commitment to thought leadership and innovation in the industry, while also gaining valuable exposure and networking opportunities.

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