
Disputes and claims can happen at any time for a variety of reasons. At the Centre for Contracting and Risk, Consult Australia shares links to resources and contacts that can help you to:

  • recover a payment from a client
  • access dispute resolution assistance
  • find a mediator to mediate a dispute
  • find a lawyer to help you deal with a claim or dispute.
Recovering Payments

Recovering Payments

If you are having trouble recovering fees from a client, your first step is to look at the payment requirements of your contract. You might want to remind the client of the relevant contract provisions and the interest payable on late payments. You may also be able to rely on security of payment legislation around Australia. Visit the relevant state/territory regulator to find out more about your rights and obligations under such legislation:

ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA

Dispute Resolution Assistance

Many of the building and construction regulators around Australia offer assistance with dispute resolution – visit the above links to find out more. If you are a small business, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) has a dispute resolution service available.

Dispute Resolution Assistance